• Whiff

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a slight gust or puff of wind, air, vapor, smoke, or the like
    a whiff of fresh air.
    a slight trace of odor or smell
    a whiff of onions.
    a single inhalation or exhalation of air, tobacco smoke, or the like.
    a trace or hint
    a whiff of scandal.
    a slight outburst
    a little whiff of temper.

    Verb (used without object)

    to blow or come in whiffs or puffs, as wind or smoke.
    to inhale or exhale whiffs, as in smoking tobacco.
    Baseball Slang . (of a batter) to strike out by swinging at and missing the pitch charged as the third strike.

    Verb (used with object)

    to blow or drive with a whiff or puff, as the wind does.
    to inhale or exhale (air, tobacco smoke, etc.) in whiffs.
    to smoke (a pipe, cigar, etc.).
    Baseball Slang . (of a pitcher) to cause (a batter) to whiff.

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