Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- bagatelle , bauble , bibelot , curio , gewgaw , knickknack , nothing * , novelty , objet d’art , plaything , toy , trinket , triviality , whatnot , bit , dash , diddly , drop , eyelash , fly speck , fraction , hint , jot , little , no big deal , particle , picayune * , piece , pinch , shade , smack , soupon , speck , spice , spot , squat , suggestion , suspicion , touch , trace , fiddle-faddle , frippery , frivolity , froth , minutia , nonsense , small change , small potatoes , gimcrack , crumb , dab , dot , dram , fragment , grain , iota , minim , mite , modicum , molecule , ort , ounce , scrap , scruple , shred , smidgen , tittle , whit , desipience , doit , flotsam and jetsam , folderol , geegaw , inconsequence , kickshaw , minutiae , negligibility , nihility , nothingness , quelque-chose , quibble , quiddity , subtlety
- amuse oneself , be insincere , coquet , dabble , dally , dawdle , dilly-dally * , doodle , fidget , flirt , fool , fool around * , fool with , fribble * , fritter , futz around , horse around * , idle , indulge in , lead on , loiter , lollygag , lounge , mess with , misuse , monkey , monkey with , palter , philander , play , play games with , play with , potter , putter , squander , string along * , toy , twiddle , use up , wanton , waste , waste time , wink at * , tinker , bagatelle , bauble , bit , dash , deceive , dessert , dibble , do it , drop , fiddle , fribble , frivol , gewgaw , gimcrack , hair , hint , jest , jot , knickknack , little , minutia , nothing , novelty , pinch , plaything , pother , quiddle , snippet , sou , speck , suggestion , touch , trace , trick , trinket , triviality
phrasal verb
- dawdle , fiddle away , kill , waste , while , wile , consume , dissipate , fool away , fritter away , riot away , squander , throw away
tác giả
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