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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Usual, normal, expected, common, general, customary,routine, typical, habitual, accustomed, traditional, regular,everyday, familiar, set, humdrum: This wine is quite good forordinary drinking. Just display ordinary good manners when youmeet the queen. 2 common, conventional, modest, plain, simple,prosaic, homespun, commonplace, run-of-the-mill, everyday,average, unpretentious, workaday, mediocre, fair, passable, soso, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable, uninspired,pedestrian, bourgeois, peasant, provincial, unrefined, ColloqBrit common or garden, US common-or-garden variety,garden-variety: They bought a rather ordinary house in aninferior neighbourhood.
Standard, norm, average, status quo, convention,expected: Saint-Gaudens' architectural designs are far from theordinary.
Out of the ordinary. extraordinary, unusual,uncommon, strange, unfamiliar, different, unexpected,unconventional, curious, eccentric, peculiar, rare, exceptional,original, singular, unique, odd, bizarre, weird, offbeat,outlandish, striking, quaint, picturesque: She was looking fora gift that was a little out of the ordinary, so I suggested apet tarantula.
A regular, normal, customary, usual (in theordinary course of events). b boring; commonplace (an ordinarylittle man).
(usu. Ordinary) RC Ch. a thoseparts of a service, esp. the mass, which do not vary from day today. b a rule or book laying down the order of divine service.4 Heraldry a charge of the earliest, simplest, and commonestkind (esp. chief, pale, bend, fess, bar, chevron, cross,saltire).
(Ordinary) (also Lord Ordinary) any of the judgesof the Court of Session in Scotland, constituting the OuterHouse.
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