• Revision as of 13:50, ngày 24 tháng 9 năm 2008 by DangBaoLam (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Thường, thông thường, bình thường, tầm thường
    an ordinary day's work
    công việc bình thường
    in an ordinary way
    theo cách thông thường

    Danh từ

    Điều thông thường, điều bình thường
    out of the ordinary
    khác thường
    Cơm bữa (ở quán ăn)
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) quán ăn, quán rượu
    Xe đạp cổ (bánh to bánh nhỏ)
    The Ordinary chủ giáo, giám mục
    Sách lễ
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) linh mục (ở) nhà tù
    to be in ordinary
    (hàng hải), (quân sự) không hoạt động nữa (tàu chiến...)
    physician in ordinary
    bác sĩ thường nhiệm

    Chuyên ngành

    Cơ - Điện tử

    (adj) bình thường

    Toán & tin

    thường, thông thường

    Kỹ thuật chung

    ordinary beam
    dầm nguyên

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Usual, normal, expected, common, general, customary,routine, typical, habitual, accustomed, traditional, regular,everyday, familiar, set, humdrum: This wine is quite good forordinary drinking. Just display ordinary good manners when youmeet the queen. 2 common, conventional, modest, plain, simple,prosaic, homespun, commonplace, run-of-the-mill, everyday,average, unpretentious, workaday, mediocre, fair, passable, soso, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable, uninspired,pedestrian, bourgeois, peasant, provincial, unrefined, ColloqBrit common or garden, US common-or-garden variety,garden-variety: They bought a rather ordinary house in aninferior neighbourhood.
    Standard, norm, average, status quo, convention,expected: Saint-Gaudens' architectural designs are far from theordinary.
    Out of the ordinary. extraordinary, unusual,uncommon, strange, unfamiliar, different, unexpected,unconventional, curious, eccentric, peculiar, rare, exceptional,original, singular, unique, odd, bizarre, weird, offbeat,outlandish, striking, quaint, picturesque: She was looking fora gift that was a little out of the ordinary, so I suggested apet tarantula.


    Adj. & n.
    A regular, normal, customary, usual (in theordinary course of events). b boring; commonplace (an ordinarylittle man).
    Brit. Law (esp. of a judge) having immediate orex officio jurisdiction, not deputed.
    N. (pl. -ies) 1 Brit.Law a person, esp. a judge, having immediate or ex officiojurisdiction.
    (the Ordinary) a an archbishop in a province.b a bishop in a diocese.
    (usu. Ordinary) RC Ch. a thoseparts of a service, esp. the mass, which do not vary from day today. b a rule or book laying down the order of divine service.4 Heraldry a charge of the earliest, simplest, and commonestkind (esp. chief, pale, bend, fess, bar, chevron, cross,saltire).
    (Ordinary) (also Lord Ordinary) any of the judgesof the Court of Session in Scotland, constituting the OuterHouse.
    Esp. US hist. an early type of bicycle with one largeand one very small wheel; a penny-farthing.
    Brit. hist. a apublic meal provided at a fixed time and price at an inn etc. ban establishment providing this.
    US a tavern.
    Ordinarily adv. ordinariness n. [ME f. L ordinarius orderly(as ORDER)]

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