Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Heaven(s), skies, arch or vault of heaven, firmament,(wild) blue (yonder), ether, Archaic or literary welkin,empyrean, azure: The dour, overcast sky gave the bleak moor achilling sense of foreboding. 2 to the skies. overly,excessively, extravagantly, fulsomely, profusely, inordinately,highly: If I praise him to the skies people will get the ideathat I benefit from his success.
V.tr. (skies, skied) 1Cricket etc. hit (a ball) high into the air.
Sky-blue adj. & n. a bright clear blue.sky-blue pink an imaginary colour. sky-clad sl. naked (esp. inwitchcraft). sky cloth Theatr. a backcloth painted or colouredto represent the sky. sky-high adv. & adj. as if reaching thesky, very high. the sky is the limit there is practically nolimit. sky pilot sl. a clergyman. sky-rocket n. a rocketexploding high in the air.
V.intr. (-rocketed, -rocketing)(esp. of prices etc.) rise very steeply or rapidly.sky-shouting the sending of messages from an aircraft to theground by means of a loudspeaker. sky-sign an advertisement onthe roof of a building. sky wave a radio wave reflected fromthe ionosphere. sky-writing legible smoke-trails made by anaeroplane esp. for advertising. to the skies very highly;without reserve (praised to the skies). under the open sky outof doors.
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