• Revision as of 04:11, ngày 22 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Ngochung2301 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Nhạc, âm nhạc
    âm nhạc dân tộc
    o have an ear for music
    Có năng khiếu về âm nhạc
    to set a poem to music
    phổ nhạc một bài thơ
    to study music
    học nhạc
    a music teacher
    thầy dạy nhạc
    Tiếng nhạc; khúc nhạc; bản nhạc
    to be music to somebody's ears
    khiến ai rất hài lòng

    Toán & tin

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    âm nhạc
    Standard music description language (SMDL)
    ngôn ngữ mô tả âm nhạc tiêu chuẩn

    Nguồn khác



    The art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (orboth) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression ofemotion.
    The sounds so produced.
    Musical compositions.
    The written or printed score of a musical composition.
    Certain pleasant sounds, e.g. birdsong, the sound of a stream,etc.
    Varietyentertainment, popular c.1850-1914, consisting of singing,dancing, and novelty acts.
    A theatre where this took place.music of the spheres see SPHERE. music-paper paper printed withstaves for writing music. music stand a rest or frame on whichsheet music or a score is supported. music stool a stool for apianist, usu. with adjustable height. music theatre in late20th-c. music, the combination of elements from music and dramain new forms distinct from traditional opera, esp. as designedfor small groups of performers. music to one's ears somethingvery pleasant to hear. [ME f. OF musique f. L musica f. Gkmousike (tekhne art) of the Muses (mousa Muse: see MUSE(1))]

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