• Revision as of 20:43, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Admin (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Thành ngữ
    on behalf of, in behalf of
    ( Mỹ) thay mặt, nhân danh
    on behalf of my friends
    thay mặt cho các bạn tôi, nhân danh các bạn tôi
    on my behalf
    nhân danh cá nhân tôi

    Chuyên ngành

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    On or US in behalf of or on or US in one's behalf. for, as arepresentative of, in place of, instead of, in the name of, onthe part of; in the interest of, for the benefit or advantageof: The lawyer is acting on behalf of the heirs.


    On (US in) behalf of (or on a person's behalf) 1 in theinterests of (a person, principle, etc.).
    As representativeof (acting on behalf of my client). [mixture of earlier phraseson his halve and bihalve him, both = on his side: see BY, HALF]

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