Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Grammar . noting or pertaining to a voice of verbal inflection in which typically the subject of the sentence is represented as performing the action expressed by the verb ( opposed to passive )
Sociology . (of a crowd) engaging in purposeful activity, often of a militant nature. Compare expressive ( def. 4 ) .
- alive , astir , at work , bustling , effective , efficacious , exertive , flowing , functioning , going , hasty , impelling , in force , in play , in process , mobile , movable , moving , operating , operative , progressive , pushing , rapid , restless , rolling , running , rushing , rustling , shifting , simmering , speeding , speedy , streaming , swarming , traveling , turning , walking , workingnotes:active knowledge is the knowledge of a language which a user actively employs in speech or writing , as opposed to passive knowledge , which is what a person understands in what he/she hears or reads , aggressive , agile , alert , animated , assiduous , bold , brisk , busy , chipper , daring , dashing , determined , dexterous , diligent , dynamic , eager , energetic , engaged , enlivened , enterprising , enthusiastic , eventful , fireball , forceful , forcible , fresh , frisky , hard-working , high-spirited , hyper , industrious , intense , inventive , jumping , keen , lively , nimble , on the move , perky , persevering , purposeful , quick , ready , resolute , sharp , sprightly , spry , whiz * , zealousnotes:active knowledge is the knowledge of a language which a user actively employs in speech or writing , working , driving , dynamical , peppy , zippy , kinetic , strenuous , vigorous , athletic , awake , doer , drastic , employed , engage , engrossed , expeditious , flourishing , goer , hardworking , impetuous , indefatigable , intent , operose , sedulous , spirited , sprite , transitive , vigilant , vivacious
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