Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- appoint , bespeak , book , bring on board , charter , come on board , commission , contract , employ , enlist , enroll , ink , lease , place , prearrange , put on , rent , reserve , retain , secure , sign on , sign up , take on , truck with , absorb , allure , arrest , bewitch , busy , captivate , catch , charm , draw , embark on , enamor , enchant , enter into , enthrall , fascinate , give a try , give a whirl , go for broke , go in for , go out for , grip * , have a fling at , have a go at , have a shot at , imbue , immerse , interest , involve , join , keep busy , monopolize , partake , participate , pitch in , practice , preengage , preoccupy , set about , soak , tackle * , take part , tie up , try on for size , undertake , affiance , agree , betroth , bind , commit , covenant , give one’s word , guarantee , hook , obligate , oblige , pass , pledge , tie , troth , turn on * , vouch , vow , assail , assault , combat , do battle with , encounter , face , fall on , give battle to , join battle with , launch , meet , strike , activate , apply , attach , dovetail , energize , fasten , get going , interact , interlace , interlock , intermesh , interplay , lock , mesh , switch on , hire , promise , occupy , draw in , carry on , have , indulge , preempt , battle , conduce , embark , engross , entangle , enter , persuade , plight
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