• Attributable

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually fol. by to )
    She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
    to consider as a quality or characteristic of the person, thing, group, etc., indicated
    He attributed intelligence to his colleagues.
    to consider as made by the one indicated, esp. with strong evidence but in the absence of conclusive proof
    to attribute a painting to an artist.
    to regard as produced by or originating in the time, period, place, etc., indicated; credit; assign
    to attribute a work to a particular period; to attribute a discovery to a particular country.


    something attributed as belonging to a person, thing, group, etc.; a quality, character, characteristic, or property
    Sensitivity is one of his attributes.
    something used as a symbol of a particular person, office, or status
    A scepter is one of the attributes of a king.
    Grammar . a word or phrase that is syntactically subordinate to another and serves to limit, identify, particularize, describe, or supplement the meaning of the form with which it is in construction. In the red house, red is an attribute of house.
    Fine Arts . an object associated with or symbolic of a character, office, or quality, as the keys of St. Peter or the lion skin of Hercules.
    Philosophy . (in the philosophy of Spinoza) any of the essential qualifications of God, thought and extension being the only ones known. Compare mode 1 ( def. 4b ) .
    Logic . (in a proposition) that which is affirmed or denied concerning the subject.
    Obsolete . distinguished character; reputation.

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