Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
causing or characterized by discomfort, inconvenience, uneasiness, or annoyance; disagreeable; unpleasant
(of a word, speech, or writing)
- vulgar, obscene, or blasphemous
- bad language.
- not properly observing rules or customs of grammar, usage, spelling, etc.; incorrect
- He speaks bad English.
bad off
- in poor or distressed condition or circumstances; destitute
- His family has been pretty bad off since he lost his job. Also, badly off. Compare well-off
- good , honest , reputable , right , upright , virtuous , worthy , advantageous , beneficial , benevolent , profitable , just , true , ok , undecayed
- abominable , amiss , atrocious , awful , bad news * , beastly , blah * , bottom out , bummer * , careless , cheap , cheesy * , crappy * , cruddy , crummy * , defective , deficient , diddly , dissatisfactory , downer * , dreadful , erroneous , fallacious , faulty , garbage , godawful , grody , gross * , grungy * , icky * , imperfect , inadequate , incorrect , inferior , junky , lousy * , not good , off , poor , raunchy * , rough , sad , slipshod , stinking , substandard , synthetic , the pits , unacceptable , unsatisfactorynotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , damaging , dangerous , deleterious , detrimental , hurtful , injurious , ruinous , unhealthynotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , base , corrupt , criminal , delinquent , evil , iniquitous , mean , reprobate , sinful , vicious , vile , villainous , wicked , wrongnotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , disobedient , ill-behaved , misbehaving , naughty , unruly , moldy , putrid , rancid , rotten , sour , spoilednotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , disastrous , distressing , grave , harsh , intense , painful , serious , terriblenotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , ailing , diseased , ill , in pain , unwellnotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , apologetic , conscience-stricken , contrite , crestfallen , dejected , depressed , disconsolate , down , downcast , downhearted , guilty , low , regretful , remorseful , upset , woebegonenotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , adverse , disagreeable , discouraged , discouraging , displeasing , distressed , gloomy , grim , melancholy , troubled , troubling , unfavorable , unfortunate , unhappy , unpleasantnotes:badly is an adverb to describe an activity; bad is an adjective to describe a condition or state , bum , unsatisfactory , black , immoral , peccant , wrong , offensive , uncongenial , unsympathetic , inauspicious , unpropitious , mischievous , abandoned , abject , abysmal , aggravated , annoying , arrant , baleful , baneful , barren , big , bitter , blameworthy , blemished , contaminated , damnable , degrading , delitescent , demeritorious , demoralized , deplorable , depraved , depressing , despicable , detestable , diabolic , dilapidated , dire , disadvantageous , discreditable , disreputable , dissolute , egregious , excruciating , execrable , feeble , felonious , flagitious , flagrant , foul , graceless , grievous , gross , hard , hardened , harmful , hazardous , heavy , heinous , ignominious , improper , inappropriate , inarable , incompetent , incorrigible , ineffective , infamous , infelicitous , infertile , irreparable , knavish , lamentable , lewd , libertine , licentious , lousy , mal , malevolent , malicious , malign , malignant , miscreant , mortal , nasty , nefarious , no good , noisome , noxious , obnoxious , odious , pernicious , perverted , prejudicial , profligate , rascal , reprehensible , repulsive , scoundrel , seedy , severe , shady , sick , sinister , sordid , sorry , spoiled , squalid , tainted , troublesome , undesirable , unlucky , unpleasant , unprincipled , unproductive , unredeemable , unrighteous , unsavory , unscrupulous , untimely , untoward , unwelcome , unwholesome , viperous , wanton , weak , worthless
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