Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- afflicted , ailing , a wreck , below par * , bummed , diseased , down , down with , feeling awful , feeling rotten , feeling terrible , got the bug , indisposed , infirm , laid low , off one’s feet , on sick list , out of sorts * , peaked , poorly , queasy , rotten , run-down , running temperature , sick as a dog , under the weather * , unhealthy , unwell , woozy * , acrimonious , adverse , antagonistic , cantankerous , cross , damaging , deleterious , detrimental , disrespectful , disturbing , foreboding , foul , harmful , harsh , hateful , hostile , hurtful , ill-mannered , impertinent , inauspicious , inimical , iniquitous , injurious , malevolent , malicious , nocent , nocuous , noxious , ominous , ruinous , sinister , sullen , surly , threatening , unfavorable , unfortunate , unfriendly , ungracious , unkind , unlucky , unpromising , unpropitious , unwholesome , vile , wicked , wrong , bad , evil , mischievous , cachectic , cadaverous , invalid , morbid , pernicious , sick , under the weather , untoward , valetudinarian
- abuse , affection , affliction , ailment , badness , complaint , condition , cruelty , damage , depravity , destruction , disease , disorder , evil , harm , hurt , illness , indisposition , infirmity , injury , insult , malady , malaise , malice , mischief , misery , pain , sickness , suffering , syndrome , trial , tribulation , trouble , unpleasantness , wickedness , woe , wrong , bad , bane , plague , scourge , adverse , adversity , ailing , amiss , baneful , cachexia , cruel , defective , diseased , harmful , hostile , ictus , indisposed , invalid , misfortune , noxious , poor , poorly , queasy , relapse , sick , sickly , under the weather , unfriendly , unhealthy , unlucky , unwell , wicked
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