• Chorus

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Music .
    a group of persons singing in unison.
    (in an opera, oratorio, etc.) such a group singing choral parts in connection with soloists or individual singers.
    a piece of music for singing in unison.
    a part of a song that recurs at intervals, usually following each verse; refrain.
    simultaneous utterance in singing, speaking, shouting, etc.
    the sounds so uttered
    a chorus of jeers.
    (in a musical show)
    a company of dancers and singers.
    the singing, dancing, or songs performed by such a company.
    (in ancient Greece)
    a lyric poem, believed to have been in dithyrambic form, that was sung and danced to, originally as a religious rite, by a company of persons.
    an ode or series of odes sung by a group of actors in ancient Greek drama.
    the group of actors that performed the chorus and served as major participants in, commentators on, or as a supplement to the main action of the drama.
    Theater .
    a group of actors or a single actor having a function similar to that of the Greek chorus, as in Elizabethan drama.
    the part of a play performed by such a group or individual.

    Verb (used with object), verb (used without object)

    to sing or speak in chorus. ?


    in chorus
    in unison; with all speaking or singing simultaneously
    They responded in chorus to the minister's questions.

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