a person appointed by or under the authority of a sovereign or head of a government to some high office of state, esp. to that of head of an administrative department
- abbot , archbishop , archdeacon , bishop , chaplain , clergy , clergyperson , cleric , clerical , clerk , confessor , curate , deacon , dean , diocesan , divine , ecclesiastic , lecturer , missionary , monk , parson , pastor , preacher , prelate , priest , pulpiteer , rector , reverend , shepherd , vicarnotes:a minister is commonly a person who leads the congregation of a protestant church; pastor is another word for priest or minister and reverend is a generic prefix for a christian leader , administrator , agent , aide , ambassador , assistant , cabinet member , consul , delegate , diplomat , envoy , executive , legate , liaison , lieutenant , officeholder , official , plenipotentiary , premier , prime minister , secretarynotes:a minister is commonly a person who leads the congregation of a protestant church; pastor is another word for priest or minister and reverend is a generic prefix for a christian leader , churchman , churchwoman , clergyman , clergywoman
- accommodate , administer , aid , answer , attend , be solicitous of , cater to , cure , doctor , do for , foster , heal , nurse , pander , pander to , remedy , succor , take care of , tend , treat , wait on , watch overnotes:a minister is commonly a person who leads the congregation of a protestant church; pastor is another word for priest or minister and reverend is a generic prefix for a christian leader , agent , ambassador , attendant , chaplain , clergy , clergyman , clergywoman , cleric , divine , ecclesiastic , evangelist , father , officiate , padre , parson , pastor , preacher , priest , rabbi , reverend , serve
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