• Adjective

    fine in texture, quality, construction, etc.
    a delicate lace collar.
    fragile; easily damaged; frail
    delicate porcelain; a delicate child.
    so fine as to be scarcely perceptible; subtle
    a delicate flavor.
    soft or faint, as color
    a delicate shade of pink.
    fine or precise in action or execution; capable of responding to the slightest influence
    a delicate instrument.
    requiring great care, caution, or tact
    a delicate international situation.
    distinguishing subtle differences
    a delicate eye; a delicate sense of smell.
    exquisite or refined in perception or feeling; sensitive.
    regardful of what is becoming, proper, etc.
    a delicate sense of propriety.
    mindful of or sensitive to the feelings of others
    a delicate refusal.
    dainty or choice, as food
    delicate tidbits.
    primly fastidious; squeamish
    not a movie for the delicate viewer.
    Obsolete . sensuous; voluptuous.


    Archaic . a choice food; delicacy.
    Obsolete . a source of pleasure; luxury.

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