Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.
a feeling or perception produced through the organs of touch, taste, etc., or resulting from a particular condition of some part of the body
the meaning of a word or phrase in a specific context, esp. as isolated in a dictionary or glossary; the semantic element in a word or group of words.
Verb (used with object)
- faculty , feel , function , hearing , impression , kinesthesia , sensation , sensibility , sensitivity , sight , smell , taste , touch , ability , appreciation , atmosphere , aura , brains , capacity , clear-headedness , cleverness , cognizance , common sense , consciousness , discernment , discrimination , feeling , gumption * , imagination , insight , intellect , intelligence , intuition , judgment , knowledge , mentality , mind , premonition , presentiment , prudence , quickness , reason , reasoning , recognition , sagacity , sanity , sentiment , sharpness , smarts * , soul , spirit , tact , thought , understanding , wisdom , wit , acceptation , advantage , bottom line * , burden , core , definition , denotatiton , drift , gist , good , heart , implication , import , intendment , interpretation , logic , matter , meat * , meat and potatoes * , message , name of the game * , nature of the beast , nitty-gritty * , nuance , nub , nuts and bolts * , punch line * , purport , purpose , short , significance , significancy , signification , stuff , substance , thrust , upshot , use , value , worth , sensitiveness , perception , brain , brainpower , lucidity , lucidness , saneness , soundness , rationale , rationality , rationalness , connotation , denotation , intent , sthesia , apprehension , conviction , meaning , notion , opinion , view
- anticipate , apperceive , appreciate , apprehend , believe , be with it , catch , catch on , catch the drift , consider , credit , deem , dig * , discern , divine , feel , feel in bones , feel in gut , get the drift , get the idea , get the impression , get the picture , get vibes , grasp , have a feeling , have a hunch , hold , know , notice , observe , perceive , pick up , read , realize , savvy * , suspect , take in , think , understand , intuit , accept , compass , comprehend , conceive , fathom , follow , get , make out , see , take , (colloq.) perceive , aura , awareness , consciousness , definition , feeling , feel in ones bones , foresight , hearing , intelligence , intuition , judgment , meaning , message , mind , perception , point , prudence , reason , recognize , sensation , sensibility , sight , smell , substance , taste , touch , understanding , wisdom , worth
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