Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
the aggregate of structures situated within or near the orbit that assist, support, or protect the eye.
something resembling or suggesting the eye in appearance, shape, etc., as the opening in the lens of a camera, a peephole, or a buttonhole.
Botany .
- the bud of a potato, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.
- a small, contrastingly colored part at the center of a flower.
Electronics . a photoelectric cell or similar device used to perform a function analogous to visual inspection.
Building Trades . a ring on the end of a tension member, as an eye bar or eye bolt, for connection with another member.
have an eye for
- to have the ability to appreciate distinctions in; be discerning or perceptive about
- She has an eye for antique furniture.
have eyes only for
- to want no other person or thing but
- She was always surrounded by admirers, but she had eyes only for Harry.
- to see, or view, or desire to see only. Also, only have eyes for.
keep an eye out for
- to be vigilant in looking or watching for
- The announcer told his listeners to keep an eye out for the escaped criminal.
open one's eyes
- to bring someone to a realization of the truth or of something previously unknown
- A trip through Asia opened his eyes to the conditions under which millions had to live.
see with half an eye
- to see or realize immediately or with ease
- Anyone can see with half an eye that the plan is doomed to fail.
shut one's eyes to
- to refuse to see or consider; disregard
- We can no longer shut our eyes to the gravity of the situation.
- appreciation , belief , conviction , discernment , discrimination , eagle eye * , feeling , mind , perception , persuasion , point of view , recognition , scrutiny , sentiment , surveillance , tab , taste , view , viewpoint , watch , baby blue , blinder * , eyeball , headlight , lamp * , ocular , oculus , optic , peeper , pie * , orb , eyesight , seeing , sight , acumen , astuteness , clear-sightedness , keenness , nose , penetration , perceptiveness , percipience , percipiency , perspicacity , sagacity , sageness , shrewdness , wit , angle , outlook , slant , standpoint , vantage , ring , midst , investigator , sleuth , fixation , oeillade , peripheral vision
- check out , consider , contemplate , eyeball , gape , give the eye , glance at , have a look , inspect , keep eagle eye on , leer , look at , ogle , peruse , regard , rubberneck * , scan , size up * , stare at , study , survey , take a look , take in , view , watch , gawk , goggle , peer , stare , observe , scrutinize , areola , avert , blinker , cornea , dilate , iris , lamp , orb , orbit , peeper , pupil , retina
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