Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a solid, raised base or support of leather, wood, rubber, etc., attached to the sole of a shoe or boot under the back part of the foot.
cool one's heels, to be kept waiting
- esp. because of deliberate discourtesy
- The producer let the actors who were waiting to be auditioned cool their heels in the outer office.
down at the heels, having a shabby, slipshod, or slovenly appearance. Also, down at heel, down at the heel, out at heels
- out at the heels.
kick up one's heels
- to have a vigorously entertaining time; frolic
- Grandfather could still kick up his heels now and then.
lay by the heels
- to arrest and imprison.
- to prevail over; render ineffectual
- Superior forces laid the invaders by the heels.
on or upon the heels of
- closely following; in quick succession of
- On the heels of the hurricane came an outbreak of looting.
show a clean pair of heels
- to leave one's pursuers or competitors behind; outrun
- The thief showed his victim a clean pair of heels. Also, show one's heels to.
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