• Falseness

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    not true or correct; erroneous
    a false statement.
    uttering or declaring what is untrue
    a false witness.
    not faithful or loyal; treacherous
    a false friend.
    tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive
    a false impression.
    not genuine; counterfeit.
    based on mistaken, erroneous, or inconsistent impressions, ideas, or facts
    false pride.
    used as a substitute or supplement, esp. temporarily
    false supports for a bridge.
    Biology . having a superficial resemblance to something that properly bears the name
    the false acacia.
    not properly, accurately, or honestly made, done, or adjusted
    a false balance.
    inaccurate in pitch, as a musical note.


    dishonestly; faithlessly; treacherously
    Did he speak false against me?


    play someone false
    to betray someone; be treacherous or faithless.

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