Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Baseball . a misplay that enables a base runner to reach base safely or advance a base, or a batter to have a turn at bat prolonged, as the dropping of a ball batted in the air, the fumbling of a batted or thrown ball, or the throwing of a wild ball, but not including a passed ball or wild pitch.
- absurdity , bad job , blunder , boner * , boo-boo , delinquency , delusion , deviation , erratum , failure , fall , fallacy , falsehood , falsity , fault , faux pas , flaw , glitch , goof * , howler , inaccuracy , lapse , misapprehension , misbelief , miscalculation , misconception , miscue , misdeed , misjudgment , mismanagement , miss , misstep , misunderstanding , offense , omission , oversight , screamer , screw-up , sin , slight , slip , slipup , solecism , stumble , transgression , trespass , untruth , wrongdoing , x * , incorrectness , mistake , slip-up , trip , erroneousness , falseness , barbarism , blooper , boner , boot , corrigendum , default , discrepancy , flub , fluff , fumble , gaff , gaffe , gremlin , impropriety , indiscretion , misinformation , misplay , muff , typo , typographical error , violation , wrong
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