Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Slang .
- a state of nervous excitement, commotion, or disorganization.
- an emergency situation.
- scandal; trouble.
Surgery . a portion of skin or flesh that is partially separated from the body and may subsequently be transposed by grafting.
Phonetics .
- a rapid flip of the tongue tip against the upper teeth or alveolar ridge, as in the r -sound in a common British pronunciation of very, or the t -sound in the common American pronunciation of water.
- a trill.
- a flipping out of the lower lip from a position of pressure against the upper teeth so as to produce an audible pop, as in emphatic utterances containing f -sounds or v -sounds.
- accessory , adjunct , appendage , apron , cover , drop , fly , fold , hanging , lapel , lobe , lug , overlap , pendant , pendulosity , ply , queue , skirt , strip , tab , tag , tail , tippet , agitation , banging , brouhaha , confusion , dither , fluster , flutter , fuss , lather * , panic , pother * , state * , stew * , sweat * , tizzy , to-do , tumult , turbulence , turmoil , twitter * , commotion , disorder , helter-skelter , stir , uproar
- agitate , beat , dangle , flail , flash , flop , hang , lop , shake , swing , swish , thrash , thresh , vibrate , wag , wave , flitter , flutter , waggle , fly , flit , sail , wing , alarm , appendage , clap , commotion , disturbance , flack , flounce , fuss , lapel , ruckus , slap , strike , tab , tongue , waff
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