• Lug

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to pull or carry with force or effort
    to lug a suitcase upstairs.
    to introduce or interject in an inappropriate or irrelevant manner
    to lug personalities into a discussion of philosophy.
    (of a sailing ship) to carry an excessive amount of (sail) for the conditions prevailing.

    Verb (used without object)

    to pull or tug laboriously.
    (of an engine or machine) to jerk, hesitate, or strain
    The engine lugs when we climb a steep hill.


    an act or instance of lugging; a forcible pull; haul.
    a wooden box for transporting fruit or vegetables.
    Slang . a request for or exaction of money, as for political purposes
    They put the lug on him at the office.


    bear , buck , carry , convey , draw , ferry , haul , heave , hump , jerk , lift , lurch , pack , pull , rake , schlepp * , snap , tote , tow , transport , trawl , tug , vellicate , yank , box , drag , nut , schlep , worm
    gawk , hulk , lout , oaf , ox

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