• Noun

    a hard, brittle, noncrystalline, more or less transparent substance produced by fusion, usually consisting of mutually dissolved silica and silicates that also contain soda and lime, as in the ordinary variety used for windows and bottles.
    any artificial or natural substance having similar properties and composition, as fused borax, obsidian, or the like.
    something made of such a substance, as a windowpane.
    a tumbler or other comparatively tall, handleless drinking container.
    glasses, Also called eyeglasses. a device to compensate for defective vision or to protect the eyes from light, dust, and the like, consisting usually of two glass or plastic lenses set in a frame that includes a nosepiece for resting on the bridge of the nose and two sidepieces extending over or around the ears (usually used with pair of ). Compare goggle ( def. 1 ) , pince-nez , spectacle ( def. 3 ) .
    a mirror.
    things made of glass, collectively; glassware
    They used to collect old glass.
    a glassful.
    a lens, esp. one used as a magnifying glass.
    a spyglass.


    made of glass
    a glass tray.
    furnished or fitted with panes of glass; glazed.

    Verb (used with object)

    to fit with panes of glass.
    cover with or encase in glass.
    to coat or cover with fiberglass
    to glass the hull of a boat.
    to scan with a spyglass or other optical instrument.

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