Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
( initial capital letter ) (of a language) in its oldest known period, as attested by the earliest written records
- Old Czech.
( used with a plural verb ) old persons collectively (usually prec. by the )
- appropriations to care for the old.
- fresh , new , young , youthful , contemporary , current , late , modern , recent , up-to-date
- aged , along in years , ancient , broken down , debilitated , decrepit , elderly , enfeebled , exhausted , experienced , fossil * , geriatric , getting on , gray , gray-haired , grizzled * , hoary * , impaired , inactive , infirm , mature , matured , not young , olden , oldish , over the hill , past one’s prime , seasoned , senile , senior , skilled , superannuated , tired , venerable , versed , veteran , wasted * , aboriginal , age-old , antediluvian , antiquated , antique , archaic , bygone , cast-off , crumbling , dated , decayed , demode , done , early , erstwhile , former , hackneyed * , immemorial , late , moth-eaten * , of old , of yore , oldfangled , old-fashioned , old-time , once , onetime , original , outmoded , out-of-date , pass , past , primeval , primitive , primordial , pristine , quondam , relic , remote , rusty , sometime , stale , time-worn , traditional , unfashionable , unoriginal , worn-out , constant , continuing , enduring , established , familiar , firm , hardened , inveterate , lifelong , long-lasting , long-lived , of long standing , perennial , perpetual , practiced , solid , staying , steady , time-honored , vintage , abiding , durable , lasting , long-standing , perdurable , permanent , persistent , advanced , hoary , timeworn , previous , whilom , dowdy , fusty , outdated , ancestral , anile , antebellum , antemundane , archaistic , astute , caducous , decadent , dilapidated , doddering , effete , fossil , gerontic , gerontogeous , medieval , obsolescent , obsolete , old hat , paleozoic , passe , patriarchal , pre-existing , preceding , prehistoric , sagacious , senescent , sensible , shrewd , troglodytic , wizened , wornout
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