Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- agreement , assurance , attestation , bail , bargain , bond , certainty , certificate , certification , charter , collateral , contract , covenant , deposit , earnest , gage , guaranty , insurance , lock , oath , pawn , pipe , recognizance , security , sure thing * , surety , testament , token , undertaking , vow , warrant , warranty , word , word of honornotes:guarantee is from old french garant \'a warrant , \' while warranty is from old north french warantie , derived from warant \'a warrant.\' both garant and warant came from frankish (the west germanic language spoken in the 400s and 500s in the region of ancient gaul that became france) , represented by old high german weren \'to confirm , warrant.\' guarantee is a general term for a representation regarding a good\'s quality and performance - and warranty is the legal term for the document; the person to whom it is issued is the warrantee with the issuer being the warrantor , engagement , pledge , plight , solemn word , word of honor , palladium , promise
- affirm , angel , answer for , assure , attest , aver , back , bankroll , be surety for , bind oneself , certify , confirm , cosign , endorse , ensure , evidence , evince , get behind * , give bond , grubstake , guaranty , insure , juice * , maintain , make bail , make certain , make sure , mortgage , pick up the check , pick up the tab , protect , prove , reassure , secure , sign for , stake , stand behind * , stand up for * , support , swear , testify , vouch for , wager , warrant , witnessnotes:guarantee is from old french garant \'a warrant , \' while warranty is from old north french warantie , derived from warant \'a warrant.\' both garant and warant came from frankish (the west germanic language spoken in the 400s and 500s in the region of ancient gaul that became france) , represented by old high german weren \'to confirm , warrant.\' guarantee is a general term for a representation regarding a good\'s quality and performance - and warranty is the legal term for the document; the person to whom it is issued is the warrantee with the issuer being the warrantor , agreement , assurance , bail , bond , certificate , contract , covenant , earnest , insurance , pledge , promise , seal , security , stipulate , surety , token , undertaking , underwrite , vouch , vouchsafe , warranty , word
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