Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, esp. a mechanical or electrical one.
a particular word pattern, figure of speech, combination of word sounds, etc., used in a literary work to evoke a desired effect or arouse a desired reaction in the reader
- accessory , agent , apparatus , appliance , arrangement , article , construction , contraption , contrivance , creation , doohickey * , equipment , expedient , gadget , gear , gimmick , implement , invention , machine , makeshift , material , means , mechanism , medium , outfit , resort , resource , rigging , rube goldberg invention , shift , tackle , thingamabob , utensil , whatchamacallit , whatnot , whatsit , artifice , cabal , chicanery , clever move , craft , craftiness , cunningness , design , dodge , evasion , fake , feint , finesse , gambit , game , improvisation , loophole * , machination , method , pattern , plan , plot , project , proposition , purpose , racket , ruse , stratagem , strategy , stunt , subterfuge , trap , trick , wile , badge , colophon , crest , ensign , figure , insignia , logo , motif , motto , scroll , sign , slogan , token , brainchild , deception , imposture , jig , maneuver , ploy , sleight , motive , accouterment , angle , cognizance , concoction , doohickey , emblem , fastener , insigne , instrument , legend , meter , scheme , symbol , technique , thingamajig , tool , trickery , vehicle
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