Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
- charge , commitment , committal , compulsion , demand , desideratum , devoir , duty , essential , exigency , extremity , longing , must , obligation , occasion , ought , requisite , right , the urge , urgency , use , weakness , wishnotes:knead means to make into a uniform mass , as by folding , pressing , and stretching with the hands or manually manipulate someone\'s body usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes; a need (noun) is something required or wanted - need (verb) means to require or have a need of , deprivation , destitution , distress , impecuniousness , impoverishment , inadequacy , indigence , insufficiency , lack , neediness , paucity , pennilessness , penury , poorness , privation , shortage , wantnotes:knead means to make into a uniform mass , deficiency , necessity , exigence , precondition , prerequisite , requirement , sine qua non , want , burden , imperative , responsibility , beggary , impecuniosity , penuriousness
- be deficient , be deprived , be down and out , be hard up , be inadequate , be in need of , be in want , be needy , be poor , be short , be without , call for , claim , covet , crave , demand , desire , die for , do without , drive for , exact , feel a dearth of , feel the necessity for , feel the pinch , go hungry , hanker , have occasion for , have occasion to , have use for , hunger , hurt for , lack , long , lust , miss , necessitate , pine , require , suffer privation , thirst , wish , yearn , yen fornotes:knead means to make into a uniform mass , as by folding , pressing , and stretching with the hands or manually manipulate someone\'s body usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes; a need (noun) is something required or wanted - need (verb) means to require or have a need of , want , compulsion , dependence , distress , emergency , essential , exigency , extremity , longing , must , necessity , obligation , pinch , poverty , requirement , requisite , shortage , urgency , weakness
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