• Jingle

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to make clinking or tinkling sounds, as do coins, keys, or other light, resonant metal objects when coming into contact or being struck together repeatedly
    The keys on his belt jingled as he walked.
    to move or proceed with such sounds
    The sleigh, decorated with bells, jingled along the snowy road.
    to sound in a light, repetitious manner suggestive of this, as verse, a sequence of words, or piece of music.
    to make rhymes.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cause to jingle
    He jingled the coins in his pocket.


    a tinkling or clinking sound, as of small bells or of small pieces of resonant metal repeatedly struck one against another.
    something that makes such a sound, as a small bell or a metal pendant.
    a catchy succession of like or repetitious sounds, as in music or verse.
    a piece of verse or a short song having such a catchy succession of sounds, usually of a light or humorous character
    an advertising jingle.
    Irish English and Australian . a loosely sprung, two-wheeled, roofed carriage, usually used as a hackney coach.

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