• Layout

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    an arrangement or plan
    We objected to the layout of the house.
    the act of laying or spreading out.
    a plan or sketch, as of an advertisement or a page of a newspaper or magazine, indicating the arrangement and relationship of the parts, as of type and artwork.
    (in advertising, publishing, etc.) the technique, process, or occupation of making layouts.
    Journalism . spread ( def. 33 ) .
    Informal . a place, as of residence or business, and the features that go with it; a setup
    a fancy layout with a swimming pool and a tennis court.
    Informal . a display or spread, as of dishes at a meal.
    a collection or set of tools, implements, or the like.
    Cards . an arrangement of cards dealt according to a given pattern, as in solitaire.
    Diving, Gymnastics . a body position in which one is fully extended and arched backward, with the legs together and straight, the head thrown back, and the arms extended sideways. Compare pike 7 , tuck 1 ( def. 13 ) .

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