Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
an outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed.
the combination of details or features of a picture, building, etc.; the pattern or motif of artistic work
- architecture , arrangement , blueprint , chart , comp , composition , conception , constitution , construction , delineation , depiction , diagram , doodle , drawing , dummy , form , formation , idea , layout , makeup , map , method , model , outline , paste-up , pattern , perspective , picture , plan , scheme , study , tracery , tracing , treatment , configuration , device , figure , illustration , motif , motive , organization , painting , portrait , shape , sketch , style , action , aim , angle , animus , big picture * , brainchild , child * , conation , conspiracy , deliberation , end , enterprise , game plan * , gimmick , goal , intendment , intrigue , lay of the land , machination , meaning , notion , object , objective , pitch , play , plot , point , project , proposition , purport , purpose , recipe , reflection , scenario , scene , schema , setup , story , target , thinking , thought , trick , undertaking , view , volition , what’s cooking , will , game plan , strategy , ambition , intent , mark , why , archetype , architectonics , cipher , collage , decoration , draught , emblem , format , intention , monogram , montage , mosaic , mural , prototype , teleology , tooling
- accomplish , achieve , arrange , block out , blueprint , cast , chart , construct , contrive , create , delineate , describe , devise , diagram , dope out , draft , draw , effect , execute , fashion , form , frame , fulfill , invent , lay out , perform , produce , project , set out , sketch , sketch out , trace , work out , compose , cook up * , dream up * , fabricate , make up , originate , think up , aim , contemplate , destine , make , mind , plan , prepare , propose , purpose , scheme , tailor , conceive , formulate , lay , strategize , map , mean , target , architecture , decor , device , end , goal , idea , inlay , intend , intent , intention , layout , model , motif , motive , object , outline , pattern , perspective , plot , proposal , scenario , shape , strategy
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