Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- ambition , animus , aspiration , big idea , bourn , calculation , design , desire , destination , determination , direction , dream , drift , end , expectation , function , goal , hope , idea , intendment , intent , mecca , mission , object , objective , plan , point , premeditation , principle , project , proposal , proposition , prospect , reason , resolve , scheme , scope , target , ulterior motive , view , whatfor , where one’s headed , whole idea , why and wherefore , whyfor , will , wish , confidence , constancy , faith , firmness , resolution , single-mindedness , steadfastness , tenacity , advantage , avail , benefit , duty , effect , gain , good , mark , outcome , profit , result , return , utility , job , role , task , aim , meaning , why , decidedness , decisiveness , purposefulness , resoluteness , toughness , willpower , destiny , hidden agenda , impulsion , intention , philosophy , purport , significance , teleology
- aim , aspire , bid for , commit , conclude , consider , contemplate , decide , design , determine , have a mind to , have in view , make up one’s mind , mean , meditate , mind , plan , ponder , propose , pursue , resolve , think to , work for , work toward , project , target , ambition , animus , aspiration , destination , determination , duty , end , function , goal , impulsion , intend , intent , intention , mission , motive , object , objective , point , proposal , purport , reason , resolution , sake , use
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