Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to carry on some business or profession.
intentional deviation from rule, convention, or fact, as for the sake of literary or artistic effect
- poetic license.
- authorization , carte blanche * , certificate , charter , consent , dispensation , entitlement , exemption , freedom , go-ahead * , grant , green light * , immunity , independence , latitude , leave , liberty , okay * , permit , privilege , right , self-determination , ticket , unconstraint , warrant , anarchy , animalism , arrogance , audacity , boldness , complacency , debauchery , disorder , effrontery , excess , forwardness , gluttony , immoderation , impropriety , irresponsibility , lawlessness , laxity , looseness , presumptuousness , prodigality , profligacy , refractoriness , relaxation , relaxedness , sauciness , self-indulgence , sensuality , slackness , temerity , unrestraint , unruliness , wantonness , wildness , allowance , approbation , approval , endorsement , sanction , dissoluteness , dissolution , libertinism , licentiousness
- accredit , allow , certify , commission , empower , enable , let , permit , privilege , sanction , suffer , warrant , entitle , qualify , authority , authorize , certificate , charter , entitlement , excise , franchise , freedom , laxity , leave , legalize , liberty , looseness , pass , passport , patent , permission , proof , unrestraint , variance
tác giả
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