Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a document conferring authority issued by the president of the U.S. to officers in the Army, Navy, and other military services, and by state governments to justices of the peace and others.
the act of committing or perpetrating a crime, error, etc.
- The commission of a misdemeanor is punishable by law.
Verb (used with object)
in commission
- in service.
- in operating order
- A great deal of work will be necessary to put this car in commission again.
- Also, into commission. Navy . (of a ship) manned and in condition for or ordered to active service.
- agency , appointment , authority , brevet , certificate , charge , consignment , delegation , deputation , diploma , embassy , employment , errand , function , instruction , legation , mandate , mission , obligation , office , permit , power of attorney , proxy , trust , warrant , work , allowance , ante , bite * , bonus , brokerage , chunk , compensation , cut , cut-in , discount , end * , factorage , fee , indemnity , juice , pay , payment , percentage , piece , piece of the action , rake-off , remuneration , royalty , salary , slice * , stipend , taste , vigorish , board , commissioners , committee , representative
- accredit , appoint , assign , bespeak , bid , charge , command , commit , confide to , consign , constitute , contract , crown , depute , deputize , dispatch , employ , empower , enable , engage , enlist , enroll , entrust , hire , inaugurate , induct , instruct , invest , license , name , nominate , ordain , order , select , send , entitle , qualify , agency , allowance , assignment , authorize , board , brokerage , charter , compensation , delegate , demand , dispensation , duty , establish , fee , instruction , mandate , mission , obligation , office , payment , permit , royalty , stipend , task , trust , warrant , work
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