Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- admission , allocation , allotment , alms , appropriation , assistance , award , benefaction , bequest , boon , bounty , charity , concession , contribution , dole , donation , endowment , fellowship , gratuity , handout , lump , present , privilege , reward , scholarship , stipend , subsidy , accordance , bestowal , bestowment , conference , conferral , presentation , subvention , alienation , assignment , conveyance , transfer , transferal , cession , gift
- accede , accept , accord , acknowledge , acquiesce , admit , agree to , allocate , allot , assign , assume , avow , award , bestow , bless , cede , come across , come around , come through , concede , confer , consent to , convey , donate , drop , gift with , give , give in , give out , give the nod , give thumbs-up , go along with , impart , invest , own , own up , permit , present , profess , relinquish , shake on , sign off on , sign on * , stake , suppose , surrender , transfer , transmit , vouchsafe , yield , deed , make over , sign over , confess , allow , cary , code , comply , deign
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