Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
of, pertaining to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the east when the subject is facing north ( opposed to left ).
Sometimes, rights. that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.
a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics.
Finance .
- the privilege, usually preemptive, that accrues to the owners of the stock of a corporation to subscribe to additional shares of stock or securities convertible into stock at an advantageous price.
- Often, rights. the privilege of subscribing to a specified amount of a stock or bond issue, or the document certifying this privilege.
the Right,
- the complex of individuals or organized groups opposing change in a liberal direction and usually advocating maintenance of the established social, political, or economic order, sometimes by authoritarian means.
- the position held by these people
- The Depression led to a movement away from the Right. Compare left 1 defs. 6a, b
- right wing.
right and left
- on every side; in all directions
- throwing his clothes right and left; members resigning right and left.
- corrupt , immoral , inequitable , unfair , unjust , wrong , imprecise , inaccurate , inadmissible , inappropriate , unfitting , unsuitable , unsuited , insane , mad , unfit , unhealthy , left
- inaccurately , incorrectly , wrongly , inappropriately , unsuitably , unfairly , unjustly , indirectly
- appropriate , condign , conscientious , deserved , due , equitable , ethical , fitting , good , honest , honorable , justifiable , lawful , legal , legitimate , merited , moral , proper , requisite , righteous , rightful , scrupulous , stand-up , suitable , true , upright , virtuousnotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , builds , or repairs something , absolute , admissible , amen , authentic , bona fide , complete , correct , exact , factual , faithful , free of error , genuine , immaculate , indubitable , inerrant , infallible , just , nice , on the money , on the nose * , out-and-out * , perfect , punctilious , real , right as rain , right on , rigorous , satisfactory , solemn , sound , strict , sure , thoroughgoing , undistorted , undoubted , unerring , unmistaken , utter , valid , veracious , veridical , veritable , watertightnotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , acceptable , adequate , advantageous , all right , becoming , befitting , comely , comme il faut , common , convenient , decent , decorous , desirable , done * , favorable , felicitous , fit , happy , ideal , opportune , propitious , seemly , sufficient , tolerablenotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , all there , balanced , circumspect , compos mentis , discerning , discreet , enlightened , far-sighted , fine , hale , in good health , in the pink , judicious , lucid , normal , penetrating , rational , reasonable , unimpaired , up to par , well , wisenotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , die-hard * , old-line , orthodox , reactionary , right wing , traditionalisticnotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , clockwise , dexter , dextral , right-handednotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , principled , right-minded , virtuous , precise , errorless , de rigueur , respectable , apt , meet , tailor-made
- absolutely , all the way , altogether , bang * , clear , completely , correctly , entirely , exactly , factually , fully , genuinely , just , perfectly , quite , sharp , slap , smack-dab , square , squarely , thoroughly , totally , truly , utterly , well , whollynotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , builds , or repairs something , acceptably , adequately , amply , aptly , becomingly , befittingly , fittingly , properly , satisfactorily , wellnotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , conscientiously , decently , dispassionately , equitably , ethically , evenly , honestly , honorably , impartially , lawfully , legitimately , morally , objectively , reliably , righteously , sincerely , virtuously , without bias , without prejudicenotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , advantageous , exceedingly , extremely , favorably , for the better , fortunately , highly , notably , remarkably , to advantage , very , at once , away , direct , due , first off , forthwith , immediately , instanter , instantly , now , promptly , quickly , right away , straight , straight away , straightly , undeviatinglynotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes
- advantage , appanage , authority , benefit , birthright , business , claim , comeuppance , desert , deserving , due , exemption , favor , franchise , freedom , immunity , interest , liberty , license , merit , permission , perquisite , power , preference , prerogative , priority , titlenotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , builds , or repairs something , correctness , emancipation , enfranchisement , equity , good , goodness , honor , independence , integrity , lawfulness , legality , properness , propriety , reason , rectitude , righteousness , rightness , straight , truth , uprightness , virtuenotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes
- adjust , amend , balance , clean up , compensate for , debug * , dial back , doctor * , do justice , emend , fiddle with , fix up , go straight , launder , make up for , mend , overhaul , patch , pick up , put in place , put right , recalibrate , recompense , recondition , reconstruct , rectify , redress , repair , restore , reward , scrub , set straight , settle , set upright , shape up , sort out , square , straighten , straighten out , turn around , vindicatenotes:right means free from error or correct in opinion or judgment; a wright is someone who makes , builds , or repairs something
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