Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to sustain without yielding or suffering injury; tolerate (usually used in negative constructions, unless qualified)
Verb phrases
bear down,
- to press or weigh down.
- to strive harder; intensify one's efforts
- We can't hope to finish unless everyone bears down.
- Nautical . to approach from windward, as a ship
- The cutter was bearing down the channel at twelve knots.
bear down on or upon,
- to press or weigh down on.
- to strive toward.
- to approach something rapidly.
- Nautical . to approach (another vessel) from windward
- The sloop bore down on us, narrowly missing our stern.
bear off,
- Nautical . to keep (a boat) from touching or rubbing against a dock, another boat, etc.
- Nautical . to steer away.
- Backgammon . to remove the stones from the board after they are all home.
- buck , carry , convey , deliver , ferry , fetch , lug , move , pack , take , tote , transfer , transportnotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , support , transport - or an animal , cherish , entertain , exhibit , harbor , have , hold , hold up , maintain , possess , shoulder , sustain , uphold , weigh uponnotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , abide , admit , allow , brook , encounter , experience , permit , put up with , stomach , suffer , tolerate , undergonotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , be delivered of , beget , breed , bring forth , create , develop , engender , form , fructify , generate , invent , make , parturitate , produce , propagate , provide , reproduce , yieldnotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , transport , nourish , nurse , display , acquit , behave , comport , demean , deport , do , quit , accept , go , stand , swallow , withstand , give , yield , press , push , head , set out , strike out
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