Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Nautical .
- a designed increase of draft toward the stern of a vessel.
- resistance to the movement of a hull through the water.
- any of a number of weights dragged cumulatively by a vessel sliding down ways to check its speed.
- any object dragged in the water, as a sea anchor.
- any device for dragging the bottom of a body of water to recover or detect objects.
Aeronautics . the aerodynamic force exerted on an airfoil, airplane, or other aerodynamic body that tends to reduce its forward motion.
Hunting .
- the scent left by a fox or other animal.
- something, as aniseed, dragged over the ground to leave an artificial scent.
- Also called drag hunt. a hunt, esp. a fox hunt, in which the hounds follow an artificial scent.
- annoyance , bore , bother , burden , encumbrance , hang-up , hindrance , impediment , nuisance , pain , pest , pill , sway , trouble , breathing , draw , inhalation , pull , smoke , draft , haul , traction , puff
- draw , hale , lug , magnetize , move , pull , schlepp * , tow , trail , transport , truck , tug , yank , be delayed , be quiescent , crawl , creep , dally * , dawdle * , delay , encounter difficulty , hang * , inch * , lag , lag behind , limp along , linger , loiter , mark time * , poke * , procrastinate , put off * , sag , shamble , shuffle , slow down , stagnate , straggle , tarry , trail behind , traipse , haul , draggle , train , inch , dally , dawdle , dilly-dally , poke , anchor , bore , bother , brake , break , bummer , burden , drawback , dredge , harrow , inhalation , nuisance , road , schlep , schlepp , search , street , tediously , tiresome
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