• Pad

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a cushionlike mass of soft material used for comfort, protection, or stuffing.
    a soft, stuffed cushion used as a saddle; a padded leather saddle without a tree.
    a number of sheets of paper glued or otherwise held together at one edge to form a tablet.
    a soft, ink-soaked block of absorbent material for inking a rubber stamp.
    Anatomy, Zoology . any fleshy mass of tissue that cushions a weight-bearing part of the body, as on the underside of a paw.
    the foot, as of a fox, hare, or wolf.
    a piece or fold of gauze or other absorbent material for use as a surgical dressing or a protective covering.
    Zoology . a pulvillus, as on the tarsus or foot of an insect.
    a lily pad.
    Rocketry . launch pad.
    Slang .
    one's living quarters, as an apartment or room.
    one's bed.
    a room where people gather to take narcotics; an addicts' den.
    Slang .
    money paid as a bribe to and shared among police officers, as for ignoring law violations.
    a list of police officers receiving such money.
    Electricity . a nonadjustable attenuator consisting of a network of fixed resistors.
    Shipbuilding .
    a metal plate riveted or welded to a surface as a base or attachment for bolts, hooks, eyes, etc.
    a piece of wood laid on the back of a deck beam to give the deck surface a desired amount of camber.
    Carpentry .
    a handle for holding various small, interchangeable saw blades.
    Also, pod. a socket in a brace for a bit.
    Metallurgy . a raised surface on a casting.
    a small deposit of weld metal, as for building up a worn surface.

    Verb (used with object)

    to furnish, protect, fill out, or stuff with a pad or padding.
    to expand or add to unnecessarily or dishonestly
    to pad a speech; to pad an expense account.
    Metallurgy . to add metal to (a casting) above its required dimensions, to insure the flow of enough metal to all parts.

    Verb (used without object)

    to insure the proper forging of a piece. ?


    on the pad, Slang . (of a police officer) receiving a bribe
    esp. on a regular basis.


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