Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Anatomy, Zoology . any fleshy mass of tissue that cushions a weight-bearing part of the body, as on the underside of a paw.
a piece or fold of gauze or other absorbent material for use as a surgical dressing or a protective covering.
Slang .
- one's living quarters, as an apartment or room.
- one's bed.
- a room where people gather to take narcotics; an addicts' den.
Slang .
- money paid as a bribe to and shared among police officers, as for ignoring law violations.
- a list of police officers receiving such money.
Shipbuilding .
- a metal plate riveted or welded to a surface as a base or attachment for bolts, hooks, eyes, etc.
- a piece of wood laid on the back of a deck beam to give the deck surface a desired amount of camber.
- block , jotter , memorandum , notebook , notepad , paper , parchment , quire , ream , scratch , scratch pad , slips , abode , coop * , crib * , digs , hangout * , hideout * , hive * , house , layout * , lodging , quarters , residence , residency , setup
- cushion , fill , fill out , line , pack , protect , shape , stuff , augment , bulk , embellish , embroider , enlarge , exaggerate , expand , flesh out , fudge * , increase , inflate , lengthen , magnify , overdraw , overstate , protract , spin , stretch , creep , go barefoot , hike , march , patter * , pitter-patter , plod , pussyfoot * , sneak , steal , traipse , tramp , trek , trudge , abode , amplify , bolster , buffer , fatten , fudge , mat , muffle , notebook , overcharge , pillow , quilt , tablet , wad , walk
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