Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
one of a set of cube-shaped pieces of wood, plastic, or the like, used as a child's toy in building.
Machinery . a part enclosing one or more freely rotating, grooved pulleys, about which ropes or chains pass to form a hoisting or hauling tackle.
Computers .
- a group of data stored as a unit on an external storage medium and handled as a unit by the computer for input or output
- This file has 20 records per block.
- a section of storage locations in a computer allocated to a particular set of instructions or data.
- a group of consecutive machine words organized as a unit and guiding a particular computer operation, esp. with reference to input and output.
- (on a flow chart) a symbol representing an operation, device, or instruction in a computer program.
Verb (used with object)
Theater .
- Also, block out. to plan or work out the movement of performers in a play, pageant, etc.
- Tomorrow we'll block act one.
- to draw a floor plan on (a stage) in order to indicate placement of scenery, stage property, etc.
Computers . to group (contiguous data) together so as to allow to be read or written in a single operation.
Verb (used without object)
- bar , brick , cake , chunk , cube , hunk , ingot , loaf , lump , oblong , piece , section , segment , slab , slice , solid , squarenotes:a bloc is a group of countries in special alliance while a block is an obstruction , an interruption , or a rectangular area or shape , barrier , blank wall , blockage , clog , hindrance , impediment , jam , mass , obstacle , obstruction , roadblock , snag , stop , stoppage , wallnotes:a bloc is a group of countries in special alliance while a block is an obstruction , barricade , hamper , hurdle , traverse , wall , noddle , pate , poll , occlusion , oppilation , repression , suppression
- arrest , bar , barricade , blockade , block out , brake , catch , charge , check , choke , clog , close , close off , close out , congest , cut off , dam , deter , fill , halt , hang up * , hinder , hold up , impede , intercept , interfere with , occlude , plug , prevent , shut off * , shut out , stall , stonewall , stop , stopper , stop up , stymie , tackle , take out of play , thwartnotes:a bloc is a group of countries in special alliance while a block is an obstruction , an interruption , or a rectangular area or shape , cork , conceal , hide , obscure , obstruct , screen , shroud , shut off , annex , barrier , blockade.--n. obstruction , buckler , cake , cob , cube , estop , foil , frustrate , hamper , hindrance , inhibit , nudge , oblong , obstacle , obstruction , oppilate , oppose , outline , parry , road , row , scotch , spike , square , street , stump , thwart , ward off , wedge
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