Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface
Mathematics . a continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.
a number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turns at or for something; queue.
a system of public conveyances, as buses or trains, plying regularly over a fixed route
- the northbound line at State Street.
Informal . a mode of conversation, esp. one that is glib or exaggerated in order to impress or influence another person
- the outer form or proportions of a ship, building, etc.
- a ship of fine lines.
- a general form, as of an event or something that is made, which may be the basis of comparison, imitation, etc.
- two books written along the same lines.
- a person's lot or portion
- to endure the hard lines of poverty.
- Chiefly British . a certificate of marriage.
Fine Arts .
- a mark made by a pencil, brush, or the like, that defines the contour of a shape, forms hatching, etc.
- the edge of a shape.
Telecommunications .
- a telephone connection
- Please hold the line.
- a wire circuit connecting two or more pieces of electric apparatus, esp. the wire or wires connecting points or stations in a telegraph or telephone system, or the system itself.
a stock of commercial goods of the same general class but having a range of styles, sizes, prices, or quality
Bridge . a line on a score sheet that separates points scored toward game (below the line) from points scored by setting a contract, having honors, etc. (above the line).
Music . any of the straight, horizontal, parallel strokes of the staff, or one placed above or below the staff.
Military .
- a defensive position or front.
- a series of fortifications
- the Maginot line.
- Usually, lines. a distribution of troops, sentries, etc., for the defense of a position or for an attack
- behind the enemy's lines.
- the body of personnel constituting the combatant forces of an army, as distinguished from the supply services and staff corps.
that part of an administrative organization consisting of persons actively engaged on a given project. Compare staff 1 ( def. 4 ) .
Slang . a small quantity of cocaine arranged in the form of a slender thread or line, as for sniffing.
Angling . a length of nylon, silk, linen, cord, or the like, to which are attached the leader, hook, sinker, float, etc.
Football .
- either of the two front rows of opposing players lined up opposite each other on the line of scrimmage
- a four-man line.
- line of scrimmage.
the betting odds established by bookmakers for events not covered by pari-mutuel betting, esp. sporting events, as football or basketball.
Fencing . any of the four divisions of the portion of a fencer's body on which a touch can be scored, taken as an area of attack or defense.
Insurance .
- a class or type of insurance
- casualty line.
- the amount of insurance written for a particular risk.
Verb phrases
bring, come, or get into line
- to become or cause to become straight, as in a row
- The members of the marching band got into line.
- to conform or cause to conform or agree
- They were persuaded to come into line with the party's policy.
down the line
- in all ways; thoroughly; fully
- It's a fine house right down the linewell-built, roomy, attractive.
- in the future.
go up in one's lines, Theater . to forget one's part during a performance. Also, British
- go up on one's lines.
in line
- in alignment; straight.
- in conformity or agreement.
- in control (of one's conduct)
- to keep one's temper in line.
- prepared; ready.
- waiting one behind the other in a queue
- There were eight people in line at the teller's window.
in the line of duty, in the execution of the duties belonging to some occupation
- esp. with regard to the responsibility for life and death
- a policeman wounded in the line of duty. Also, in line of duty.
lay it on the line
- Informal .
- to give money; pay.
- to give the required information; speak directly or frankly
- I'm going to stop being polite and lay it on the line.
off line
- occurring or functioning away from an assembly line, work process, etc.
- not in operation; not functioning.
on a line
- Baseball . (of a batted or thrown ball) through the air in an approximately straight line from the point of impact or delivery
- hit on a line between third and short; thrown in on a line from the center fielder.
on line
- on or part of an assembly line
- Production will be improved when the new welding equipment is on line.
- in or into operation
- The manufacturing facilities will be on line before November.
- Computers . actively linked to a computer
- The printer is not yet on line.
- Chiefly New York City . line 1 ( def. 72e ) .
on the line
- Informal .
- being risked or put in jeopardy; in a vulnerable position
- Our prestige and honor are on the line.
- immediately; readily
- paid cash on the line.
out of line
- not in a straight line.
- in disagreement with what is accepted or practiced.
- Informal . impertinent; presumptuous
- That last remark was out of line.
- band , bar , borderline , boundary , channel , configuration , contour , crease , dash , delineation , demarcation , edge , figuration , figure , frontier , furrow , groove , limit , lineament , lineation , outline , profile , rule , score , scratch , silhouette , streak , stripe , tracing , underline , wrinkle , arrangement , array , axis , block , border , catalogue , column , concatenation , crack , direction , division , drain , echelon , file , fissure , formation , group , lane , length , list , magazine , mark , order , path , progression , queue , rank , ridge , road , route , row , scar , seam , sequence , series , street , string , thread , tier , track , train , trajectory , trench , way , cable , filament , strand , wire , approach , avenue , course , course of action , ideology , method , polity , position , practice , principle , procedure , program , scheme , system , activity , area , business , department , employment , field , forte , job , occupation , profession , province , pursuit , racket * , specialization , trade , vocation , work , breed , descent , family , heredity , lineage , pedigree , race , stock , strain , succession , card , letter , message , note , postcard , report , word , clue , indication , information , lead , patter , persuasion , pitch , prepared speech , song and dance * , spiel * , commodity , goods , involvement , materials , produce , vendibles , wares , crinkle , attack , modus operandi , plan , tack , technique , policy , art , calling , career , craft , mtier , merchandise , ware , birth , blood , bloodline , extraction , genealogy , origin , parentage , seed , branch , circumference , collineation , cord , cordon , hachure , hairline , hatching , linearity , meridian , parallel , periphery , regimentation , reticule , rope , secant , tangent
- abut , adjoin , align , allineate , array , bound , butt against , communicate , crease , cut , delineate , draw , edge , fix , follow , fringe , furrow , group , inscribe , join , line up , march , marshal , neighbor , order , ordinate , outline , place , queue , range , rank , rim , rule , score , skirt , touch , trace , underline , verge , bush , ceil , cover , encrust , face , fill , incrust , interline , overlay , panel , quilt , reinforce , sheath , stuff , wad , wainscot
a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface
Mathematics . a continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.
a number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turns at or for something; queue.
a system of public conveyances, as buses or trains, plying regularly over a fixed route
- the northbound line at State Street.
Informal . a mode of conversation, esp. one that is glib or exaggerated in order to impress or influence another person
- the outer form or proportions of a ship, building, etc.
- a ship of fine lines.
- a general form, as of an event or something that is made, which may be the basis of comparison, imitation, etc.
- two books written along the same lines.
- a person's lot or portion
- to endure the hard lines of poverty.
- Chiefly British . a certificate of marriage.
Fine Arts .
- a mark made by a pencil, brush, or the like, that defines the contour of a shape, forms hatching, etc.
- the edge of a shape.
Telecommunications .
- a telephone connection
- Please hold the line.
- a wire circuit connecting two or more pieces of electric apparatus, esp. the wire or wires connecting points or stations in a telegraph or telephone system, or the system itself.
a stock of commercial goods of the same general class but having a range of styles, sizes, prices, or quality
Bridge . a line on a score sheet that separates points scored toward game (below the line) from points scored by setting a contract, having honors, etc. (above the line).
Music . any of the straight, horizontal, parallel strokes of the staff, or one placed above or below the staff.
Military .
- a defensive position or front.
- a series of fortifications
- the Maginot line.
- Usually, lines. a distribution of troops, sentries, etc., for the defense of a position or for an attack
- behind the enemy's lines.
- the body of personnel constituting the combatant forces of an army, as distinguished from the supply services and staff corps.
that part of an administrative organization consisting of persons actively engaged on a given project. Compare staff 1 ( def. 4 ) .
Slang . a small quantity of cocaine arranged in the form of a slender thread or line, as for sniffing.
Angling . a length of nylon, silk, linen, cord, or the like, to which are attached the leader, hook, sinker, float, etc.
Football .
- either of the two front rows of opposing players lined up opposite each other on the line of scrimmage
- a four-man line.
- line of scrimmage.
the betting odds established by bookmakers for events not covered by pari-mutuel betting, esp. sporting events, as football or basketball.
Fencing . any of the four divisions of the portion of a fencer's body on which a touch can be scored, taken as an area of attack or defense.
Insurance .
- a class or type of insurance
- casualty line.
- the amount of insurance written for a particular risk.
Verb phrases
bring, come, or get into line
- to become or cause to become straight, as in a row
- The members of the marching band got into line.
- to conform or cause to conform or agree
- They were persuaded to come into line with the party's policy.
down the line
- in all ways; thoroughly; fully
- It's a fine house right down the linewell-built, roomy, attractive.
- in the future.
go up in one's lines, Theater . to forget one's part during a performance. Also, British
- go up on one's lines.
in line
- in alignment; straight.
- in conformity or agreement.
- in control (of one's conduct)
- to keep one's temper in line.
- prepared; ready.
- waiting one behind the other in a queue
- There were eight people in line at the teller's window.
in the line of duty, in the execution of the duties belonging to some occupation
- esp. with regard to the responsibility for life and death
- a policeman wounded in the line of duty. Also, in line of duty.
lay it on the line
- Informal .
- to give money; pay.
- to give the required information; speak directly or frankly
- I'm going to stop being polite and lay it on the line.
off line
- occurring or functioning away from an assembly line, work process, etc.
- not in operation; not functioning.
on a line
- Baseball . (of a batted or thrown ball) through the air in an approximately straight line from the point of impact or delivery
- hit on a line between third and short; thrown in on a line from the center fielder.
on line
- on or part of an assembly line
- Production will be improved when the new welding equipment is on line.
- in or into operation
- The manufacturing facilities will be on line before November.
- Computers . actively linked to a computer
- The printer is not yet on line.
- Chiefly New York City . line 1 ( def. 72e ) .
on the line
- Informal .
- being risked or put in jeopardy; in a vulnerable position
- Our prestige and honor are on the line.
- immediately; readily
- paid cash on the line.
out of line
- not in a straight line.
- in disagreement with what is accepted or practiced.
- Informal . impertinent; presumptuous
- That last remark was out of line.
- band , bar , borderline , boundary , channel , configuration , contour , crease , dash , delineation , demarcation , edge , figuration , figure , frontier , furrow , groove , limit , lineament , lineation , outline , profile , rule , score , scratch , silhouette , streak , stripe , tracing , underline , wrinkle , arrangement , array , axis , block , border , catalogue , column , concatenation , crack , direction , division , drain , echelon , file , fissure , formation , group , lane , length , list , magazine , mark , order , path , progression , queue , rank , ridge , road , route , row , scar , seam , sequence , series , street , string , thread , tier , track , train , trajectory , trench , way , cable , filament , strand , wire , approach , avenue , course , course of action , ideology , method , polity , position , practice , principle , procedure , program , scheme , system , activity , area , business , department , employment , field , forte , job , occupation , profession , province , pursuit , racket * , specialization , trade , vocation , work , breed , descent , family , heredity , lineage , pedigree , race , stock , strain , succession , card , letter , message , note , postcard , report , word , clue , indication , information , lead , patter , persuasion , pitch , prepared speech , song and dance * , spiel * , commodity , goods , involvement , materials , produce , vendibles , wares , crinkle , attack , modus operandi , plan , tack , technique , policy , art , calling , career , craft , mtier , merchandise , ware , birth , blood , bloodline , extraction , genealogy , origin , parentage , seed , branch , circumference , collineation , cord , cordon , hachure , hairline , hatching , linearity , meridian , parallel , periphery , regimentation , reticule , rope , secant , tangent
- abut , adjoin , align , allineate , array , bound , butt against , communicate , crease , cut , delineate , draw , edge , fix , follow , fringe , furrow , group , inscribe , join , line up , march , marshal , neighbor , order , ordinate , outline , place , queue , range , rank , rim , rule , score , skirt , touch , trace , underline , verge , bush , ceil , cover , encrust , face , fill , incrust , interline , overlay , panel , quilt , reinforce , sheath , stuff , wad , wainscot
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