• Serial

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    anything published, broadcast, etc., in short installments at regular intervals, as a novel appearing in successive issues of a magazine.
    Library Science . a publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designation and intended to be continued indefinitely.


    published in installments or successive parts
    a serial story.
    pertaining to such publication.
    of, pertaining to, consisting of, or occurring in a series rather than simultaneously
    Some societies condemn both polygamy and serial marriages.
    effecting or producing a series; sequential
    The police think a serial killer is responsible for five homicides in this city last month.
    Computers .
    of or pertaining to the apparent or actual performance of data-processing operations one at a time ( distinguished from parallel ).
    of or pertaining to the transmission or processing of each part of a whole in sequence, as each bit of a byte or each byte of a computer word ( distinguished from parallel ).
    Music . of, pertaining to, or composed in serial technique.



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