Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management (often fol. by to or for )
- excused , exempt , free , immune , irresponsible , immature , untrustworthy , independent , unaccountable
- answerable , at fault , at the helm , authoritative , bonded , bound , bound to , carrying the load , censurable , chargeable , compelled , constrained , contracted , culpable , decision-making , devolving on , duty-bound , engaged , executive , exposed , fettered , guilty , hampered , held , high , important , in authority , in control , incumbent , liable , minding the store , obligated , obliged , on the hook , open , pledged , subject , susceptive , sworn to , tied , to blame , under contract , under obligationnotes:to be accountable is to be liable to being called to account or answerable; liable means legally obligated or responsible ; and responsible is liable to be required to give account , as of one\'s actions or of the discharge of a duty or trust , able , adult , capable , competent , conscientious , dependable , dutiful , effective , efficient , faithful , firm , levelheaded , loyal , qualified , rational , reliable , self-reliant , sensible , sober , sound , stable , steadfast , steady , tried , trusty , uprightnotes:to be accountable is to be liable to being called to account or answerable; liable means legally obligated or responsible ; and responsible is liable to be required to give account , accountable , amenable , solid , trustworthy , amendable , mature , reputable , solvent
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