Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; tale.
a narration of an incident or a series of events or an example of these that is or may be narrated, as an anecdote, joke, etc.
- adventure , allegory , anecdote , apologue , article , autobiography , beat , biography , book , chronicle , cliffhanger * , comedy , conte , description , drama , epic , fable , fairy tale , fantasy , feature , fiction , folktale , gag , history , information , legend , long and short of it , memoir , myth , narration , narrative , news item , nonfiction , novel , old saw , parable , potboiler , recital , record , relation , report , romance , saga , scoop * , sequel , serial , spiel * , tale , tragedy , version , yarn * , canard , cock-and-bull story * , fabrication , falsehood , falsity , fib , misrepresentation , prevarication , untruism , untruth , white lie * , account , statement , story line , bit , paragraph , piece , squib , cock-and-bull story , inveracity , misstatement , alibi , confabulation , embellishment , entresol , episode , floor , jeremiad , lexicon , lie , loft , lore , memoirs , mezzanine , narrate , news , play , plot , rehearsal , rumor , scenario , tradition , yarn
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