• Session

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the sitting together of a court, council, legislature, or the like, for conference or the transaction of business
    Congress is now in session.
    a single continuous sitting, or period of sitting, of persons so assembled.
    a continuous series of sittings or meetings of a court, legislature, or the like.
    the period or term during which such a series is held.
    sessions, (in English law) the sittings or a sitting of justices in court, usually to deal with minor offenses, grant licenses, etc.
    a single continuous course or period of lessons, study, etc., in the work of a day at school
    two afternoon sessions a week.
    a portion of the year into which instruction is organized at a college or other educational institution.
    the governing body of a local Presbyterian church, composed of the pastor who moderates and the elders.
    a period of time during which a group of persons meets to pursue a particular activity
    A few of the kids got together for a study session.

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