• Squint

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to look with the eyes partly closed.
    Ophthalmology . to be affected with strabismus; be cross-eyed.
    to look or glance obliquely or sidewise; look askance.
    to make or have an indirect reference to or bearing on; tend or incline toward (usually fol. by toward, at, etc.).

    Verb (used with object)

    to close (the eyes) partly in looking
    The baby squinted its eyes at the bright lights.
    to cause to squint; cause to look obliquely.


    an act or instance of squinting.
    Ophthalmology . a condition of the eye consisting in noncoincidence of the optic axes; strabismus.
    Informal . a quick glance
    Let me have a squint at that paper.
    a looking obliquely or askance.
    an indirect reference.
    an inclination or tendency, esp. an oblique or perverse one.
    Also called hagioscope. (in a church) a small opening in a wall giving a view of the altar.


    looking obliquely; looking with a side glance; looking askance.
    Ophthalmology . (of the eyes) affected with strabismus.



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