Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate
(of a door, gate, window sash, or the like) set so as to permit passage through the opening it can be used to close.
having the interior immediately accessible, as a box with the lid raised or a drawer that is pulled out.
without a covering, esp. a protective covering; unprotected; unenclosed; exposed
- an open wound; open electrical wires.
(of a seaport) available for foreign trade; not closed by government regulations or by considerations of health.
(of a delimiting punctuation mark) occurring at the beginning of a group of words or characters that is set off, as from surrounding text
Phonetics .
- (of a vowel) articulated with a relatively large opening above the tongue or with a relatively large oral aperture, as the vowel sound of cot compared with that in caught.
- (of a syllable) ending with a vowel.
- (of a consonant) continuant ( opposed to stopped ).
Linguistics . (of a class of items) readily admitting new members, as the class of nouns, verbs, or adjectives ( opposed to closed ).
Music .
- (of an organ pipe) not closed at the far end.
- (of a string) not stopped by a finger.
- (of a note) produced by such a pipe or string or, on a wind instrument, without the aid of a slide, key, etc.
Verb (used with object)
to render (a doorway, gateway, window, etc.) unobstructed by moving a door, window sash, etc., away from it.
to make or produce (an opening) by cutting or breaking, or by pushing aside or removing obstructions
Law .
- to recall or revoke (a judgment, decree, etc.) for the purpose of allowing further contest or delay.
- to make the first statement of (a case) to the court or jury.
Verb (used without object)
- accessible , agape , airy , ajar , bare , clear , cleared , dehiscent , disclosed , emptied , expanded , expansive , exposed , extended , extensive , free , gaping , made passable , naked , navigable , passable , patent , patulous , peeled , removed , rent , revealed , ringent , rolling , spacious , spread out , stripped , susceptible , unbarred , unblocked , unbolted , unburdened , uncluttered , uncovered , unfolded , unfurled , unimpeded , unlocked , unobstructed , unplugged , unsealed , unshut , unstopped , vacated , wide , yawning , admissible , agreeable , allowable , approachable , appropriate , attainable , available , employable , fit , general , getable , nondiscriminatory , not posted , obtainable , on deck , on tap * , open-door , operative , permitted , practicable , proper , public , reachable , securable , suitable , to be had , unconditional , unoccupied , unqualified , unrestricted , usable , vacant , welcoming , within reach , apparent , avowed , barefaced , blatant , conspicuous , downright , evident , flagrant , frank , manifest , noticeable , overt , plain , unconcealed , undisguised , visible , well-known , ambiguous , arguable , controversial , debatable , doubtful , dubious , dubitable , equivocal , indecisive , in question , moot , problematic , questionable , uncertain , unresolved , unsettled , up for discussion , up in the air , yet to be decided , artless , candid , disinterested , fair , guileless , impartial , ingenuous , innocent , lay it on the line , mellow , natural , objective , on the level * , open-and-shut * , openhearted * , receptive , sincere , straightforward , talking turkey , transparent , unbiased , uncommitted , undissembled , unprejudiced , unreserved , up-front , unprotected , prone , subject , susceptive , vulnerable , acceptant , amenable , open-minded , responsive , operable , utilizable , uninhabited , undecided , undetermined , unsure , vague , direct , forthright , honest , man-to-man , plainspoken , straight , straight-out
- begin business , bow , commence , convene , embark , get things rolling , inaugurate , initiate , jump , kick off , launch , meet , raise the curtain * , ring in , set in motion , set up shop , sit , start , start the ball rolling , bare , break in , break out , broach , burst , bust in , come apart , crack , disclose , display , disrupt , expand , fissure , free , gap , gape , hole , jimmy , kick in , lacerate , lance , penetrate , perforate , pierce , pop , puncture , release , reveal , rupture , separate , sever , slit , slot , split , tap , throw wide , unbar , unblock , unbolt , unclose , unclothe , uncork , uncover , undo , unfasten , unfold , unfurl , unlatch , unlock , unroll , unseal , unshut , unstop , untie , unwrap , vent , ventilate , yawn , yawp , extend , fan , outstretch , stretch , approach , begin , enter , get off , institute , lead off , set about , set out , set to , take on , take up , undertake
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