Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
acting or affected by, of the nature of, or pertaining to a special affinity or mutual relationship; congenial
Anatomy, Physiology .
- pertaining to that part of the autonomic nervous system consisting of nerves that arise from the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord, and functioning in opposition to the parasympathetic system, as in stimulating heartbeat, dilating the pupil of the eye, etc.
- Obsolete . pertaining to the autonomic nervous system in its entirety.
- callous , merciless , uncaring , unconcerned , unfeeling , unsympathetic , cold , cool , disagreeable , unfriendly , unsociable
- affectionate , all heart , appreciating , benign , benignant , caring , commiserating , compassionate , comprehending , condoling , considerate , having heart in right place , interested , kind , kindhearted , kindly , loving , pitying , responsive , sensitive , soft , softhearted , supportive , sympathizing , tender , thoughtful , understanding , vicarious , warm , warmhearted , amenable , appreciative , approving , companionable , compatible , congenial , congruous , consistent , consonant , cool , down , encouraging , favorably disposed , having a heart , in sympathy with , like-minded , on same wavelength , open , open-minded , pro * , receptive , simpatico , tuned in , well-disposed , well-intentioned , empathetic , empathic , feeling , commiserative , condolatory , altruistic , attuned , comforting , condolent , en rapport , friendly , humane , infectious , on the same wavelength , pitiful , samaritan
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