Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
knowledge of or familiarity with a particular thing; skill in dealing with or handling something
- an understanding of accounting practice.
- compassionate , considerate , discerning , empathetic , forbearing , forgiving , generous , kind , kindly , patient , perceptive , responsive , sensitive , sympathetic , empathic , feeling
- acumen , apperception , apprehension , assimilation , awareness , decipherment , discernment , discrimination , grasp , grip , insight , intellect , intelligence , intuition , judgment , ken , knowing , knowledge , mastery , penetration , perception , perceptiveness , perceptivity , percipience , perspicacity , prehension , realization , reason , recognition , savvy , sense , sharpness , wit , acceptation , conception , conclusion , estimation , idea , import , impression , inkling , intendment , interpretation , meaning , message , notion , opinion , purport , significance , significancy , signification , sympathy , view , viewpoint , accord , common view , concord , deal , handshake , harmony , meeting of minds , pact , comprehension , hold , brain , brainpower , mentality , mind , arrangement , bargain , compact , acceptance , accepting , acute , agreement , agreement. associated word: tacit , amity , attitude , belief , compassion , compatible , concept , diagnosis , discerning , empathy , entente , forgiving , insightful , kindly , openminded , perceptive , perspicacious , sagacious , sensitivity , simpatico , sympathetic , tolerance , treaty
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