Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape; not hard or stiff
lenient, permissive, or conciliatory, esp. regarding something that is conceived of as dangerous or threatening
(of paper money or a monetary system) not supported by sufficient gold reserves or not easily convertible into a foreign currency.
Metallurgy .
- (of a metal) easily magnetized and demagnetized.
- (of solder) fusing readily.
- (of a metal or alloy) fully annealed, so as to provide minimum mechanical hardness.
Photography .
- (of a photographic image) having delicate gradations of tone.
- (of a focus) lacking in sharpness.
- (of a lens) unable to be focused sharply.
Phonetics .
- (of consonants) lenis, esp. lenis and voiced.
- (of c and g ) pronounced as in cent and gem.
- (of consonants in Slavic languages) palatalized. Compare hard ( def. 38 ) .
- bendable , comfortable , comfy , cottony , cozy , creamy , cushiony , cushy , delicate , doughy , downy , ductile , easeful , easy , elastic , feathery , fine , flabby , fleecy , fleshy , flexible , flimsy , flocculent , flowing , fluffy , fluid , formless , furry , gelatinous , impressible , limp , malleable , moldable , mushy , pappy , pithy , plastic , pliable , pulpy , quaggy , rounded , satiny , silken , silky , smooth , snug , spongy , squashy , supple , thin , velvety , yielding , ashen , balmy , bland , caressing , cool , diffuse , dim , dimmed , dulcet , dull , dusky , gentle , hazy , lenient , light , low , low-key , mellifluous , mellow , melodious , mild , misty , murmured , muted , pale , pallid , pastel , pleasing , quiet , restful , shaded , sober , soothing , subdued , sweet , tinted , toned down , twilight , understated , wan , whispered , affectionate , amiable , benign , courteous , easy-going , effortless , gracious , indulgent , kind , kindly , lax , liberal , manageable , overindulgent , permissive , pitying , sensitive , sentimental , simple , spineless , sympathetic , tender , tender-hearted , undemanding , weak , fat , flaccid , gone to seed , out of shape , overindulged , pampered , untrained , daft , fatuous , feeble-minded , foolish , silly , witless , pulpous , squishy , hushed , low-keyed , small , whispery , faint , moderate , slight , softhearted , tenderhearted , charitable , clement , forbearing , merciful , bathetic , gushy , maudlin , mawkish , romantic , slushy , sobby , soppy , simple-minded , slow , slow-witted , down , off , slack , sluggish , compassionate , compliant , conciliatory , effeminate , emollient , facile , feeble , fictile , gently , grateful , impressionable , irresolute , lightly , mealy , peacefully , placid , pliant , queachy , temperate , tranquil , unmanly silly
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