• Within

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    in or into the interior or inner part; inside.
    in or into a house, building, etc.; indoors
    The fire was burning on the hearth within.
    on, or as regards, the inside; internally.
    inside an enclosed place, area, room, etc.
    He was startled by a cry from within.
    in the mind, heart, or soul; inwardly.


    in or into the interior of or the parts or space enclosed by
    within city walls.
    inside of; in.
    in the compass or limits of; not beyond
    within view; to live within one's income.
    at or to some point not beyond, as in length or distance; not farther than
    within a radius of a mile.
    at or to some amount or degree not exceeding
    within two degrees of freezing.
    in the course or period of, as in time
    within one's memory; within three minutes.
    inside of the limits fixed or required by; not transgressing
    within the law.
    in the field, sphere, or scope of
    within the family; within one's power.


    the inside of a place, space, or building.



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