Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Geology .
- the attitude of a bed or stratum or of beds or strata of sedimentary rocks, as indicated by the dip and strike.
- the coarser composition of a rock, as contrasted with its texture.
Chemistry . the manner in which atoms in a molecule are joined to each other, esp. in organic chemistry where molecular arrangement is represented by a diagram or model.
Sociology .
- the system or complex of beliefs held by members of a social group.
- the system of relations between the constituent groups of a society.
- the relationship between or the interrelated arrangement of the social institutions of a society or culture, as of mores, marriage customs, or family.
- the pattern of relationships, as of status or friendship, existing among the members of a group or society.
- anatomy , architecture , arrangement , build , complex , configuration , conformation , construction , design , fabric , fabrication , format , formation , frame , framework , interrelation , make , morphology , network , order , organization , skeleton , system , texture , cage , edifice , erection , house , pile , pile of bricks , rockpile , skyscraper , bridge , building , cadre , components , composition , form , lineament , makeup , pattern , pyramid , scheme , tower
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